Date/Time: Feb 25 2025, 12:00pm EST/9:00am PST
Brighttalk Webinar:
Ramesh Danta, host of AIEntrepreneurs, recently led a thought-provoking webinar on the ethicalchallenges of agentic AI. As AI continues to evolve, concerns around bias andfairness remain at the forefront of discussions. This episode featured esteemedpanelists Courtney Abercrombie, CEO and founder of AI Truth, and Hassan Patel,Director of Global AI Policy Compliance Engineering at Fairly AI. Together,they explored the complexities of bias in AI, highlighting both challenges andpotential solutions.
TheDefinition and Sources of Bias
Hassan Patel, a lawyer with atechnical background, provided a foundational perspective on bias. While thedefinition of bias has remained largely consistent, Patel noted that thecontexts in which it manifests have expanded. The proliferation of open-sourceAI models has introduced new risks, particularly when modifications occurwithout proper documentation. This lack of transparency often results in a"black box" scenario, where it becomes difficult to detect andmitigate bias effectively.
Courtney Abercrombie echoed theseconcerns, pointing to the hidden layers of large language models as asignificant barrier to addressing bias. She illustrated this with an example:search engine results for "Trump" can vary dramatically based on auser’s search history, demonstrating the impact of biased training data.Abercrombie emphasized the need for greater transparency and a shift towardscausal AI to better understand the root causes of model outputs.
Reasoning,Explainability, and the Illusion of Understanding
Patel introduced key conceptsrelated to reasoning, reason, and explainability in AI. While some modelsprovide step-by-step reasoning, this does not always reflect the true causebehind their outputs. He likened this to a fishing lure dropped into a darklake—what appears to be an explanation might not reveal the deeper, underlyingmechanisms at play. The current state of explainability remains poor, with onlyabout 10% of AI outputs being truly explainable. Patel warned against theillusion of understanding, where superficial reasoning may mask deeper systemicbiases.
AddressingBias in Practice
Abercrombie reframed theconversation, suggesting that tackling bias requires a strategic focus onspecific areas rather than attempting to solve it universally. She introducedthe concept of causal AI, which aims to identify causal relationships betweendata points to enhance decision-making. Examples included improving creditscoring systems for underserved communities and optimizing supply chainmanagement. Expanding the data ecosystem and incorporating alternative datasources, she argued, are essential steps toward more equitable AI applications.
TheRole of Explainability and Transparency
During the Q&A session, anaudience member raised concerns about AI training companies that obscure thereasoning behind model decisions. Patel acknowledged that while transparency iscrucial, certain use cases require selective opacity to prevent the misuse ofAI-generated information. He cited examples of AI labs encountering unexpectedbehaviors in their models, reinforcing the notion that these systems oftenoperate as black boxes. The challenge, then, lies in balancing transparencywith security and ethical considerations.
NavigatingRisks and Improving Fairness
The discussion concluded withpractical strategies for managing bias and fostering fairness in AI systems.Abercrombie emphasized the importance of simplicity—returning to thefundamentals of data selection and model design. She advocated for developing specificmodels with well-defined purposes rather than relying on broad, generic models.This approach is particularly critical in sensitive domains like healthcare andfinancial services, where biased AI decisions can have far-reachingconsequences.
As the webinar wrapped up, thepanelists encouraged ongoing engagement from viewers, inviting questions anddiscussions to shape future conversations. The key takeaways centered on theneed for transparency, explainability, and targeted strategies to mitigate biasin AI. By leveraging causal AI and refining model development approaches, theindustry can take meaningful steps toward ensuring fairness in agentic AIsystems.