AI Done Right
Fairly AI Trust & SafetyCompliance-in-a-Box for Startups & SMBs

Start as low as $69/month + 30-day money back guarantee
Best for teams from 2 to 50 people


Preliminary Risk Assessment


Fairly compliance expert helps you understand regulations, policies and risks related to your specific use cases.

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Treatment Plan

Fairly compliance expert works with your team to further identify risk and threats related to your specific use cases and create a treatment plan.

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Apply Policies & Controls

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Expert support

Based on your treatment plan, Fairly Policy Advisor recommends custom or out-of-the-box policies and controls for your AI needs such as ISO 42001, NIST AI RMF, Responsible Innovation Lab's RAI Framework or specific bias tests.

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Parallel governance

Fairly’s Parallel Governance Layer removes the burden for data scientists to spend time on compliance documentation.

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Continuous Monitoring

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AI Inventory

Set up your AI governance process with an AI inventory system mapped to pre-defined and custom policies.

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Continuous testing and monitoring

Your team can test and monitor out-of-the-box and custom controls in an automated process for continuous compliance.

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Dynamic reporting

Your team can generate reports to document, maintain, and track all controls for continuous visibility anytime.

Want to get started with safe & compliant AI adoption?

Schedule a call with one of our experts to see how Fairly can help